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Useful information:

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Beer labels are a fundamental element in product presentation and communication with consumers. Furthermore they can be used for both glass bottles and cans.
To create an eye-catching and informative label, some key aspects must be taken into consideration:

-The first is to inform the consumer about the type of product so that consumers can easily identify the type of beer they are purchasing. Details such as name and type, ingredients used, name and location of the factory where it is made, and the date by which it is advisable to consume it are included.

-Legal information: beer label regulations require the presence of certain information, such as alcohol volume and ingredients.

-The label graphics represent the company's business card. In fact, any customer who goes to the supermarket to do their shopping generally finds a shelf full of products to choose from in front of them. The more beautiful and attractive its label is, the higher the probability that that product will be sold to more people.

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Other types of labels

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Promotional labels

Promotional labeling and packaging are among the last steps to be taken before the product ends up at the point of sale.

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Multipage labels

Multi-page labels: maintain tackiness while reducing thickness

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Anti-counterfeiting labels

Protect the quality of your products with anti-counterfeiting labels.

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Beer labels

Self-adhesive labels for breweries.

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Durable labels

Durable labels, able to withstand the elements without peeling off the product.

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Braille labels

With Braille Labels you expand your world of products even to those who are visually impaired.

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Liquor labels

Enhance the aromas of liqueurs with suitable labels.

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Security seals

Safety seals allow you to quickly check whether a product is contaminated.

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Tamper-evident labels

Protect your products with tamper-evident labels.

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RFID labels

Rfid labels for product safety.

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